UNSW Orchestra Concert: Resurgence

Join UNSW Orchestra's journey from darkness to light through music's transformative power, a wonderful celebration of UNSW talent.

Dr. Steven Hillinger, conductor
Celine Kang, soloist

Resurgence: A powerful journey from darkness to light, presenting Beethoven's heroic Piano Concerto No. 3 by UNSW Concerto Audition winner, Celine Kang, Shostakovich's poignant Symphony No. 5, and the premiere of 'Potboiler,' an exciting new work by student composer Stephen McCarthy.

SHOSTAKOICH Symphony no. 5 Op, 47

McCARTHY Potboiler (premiere)

BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto No. 3



To help us run our concerts more smoothly, online ticket purchases this term have been discounted to encourage pre-concert sales:

Online: $10 | $15 | $20 | $40 (plus booking fees)

Tickets can also be purchased at the door on the concert day at full price as indicated below:

At The Door: $15 | $20 | $25 | $50


Book Here

15 Nov 2024
Hosted by
Music Performance UNSW
Sir John Clancy Auditorium, UNSW